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Animal Communication doesn’t have to be hard – in fact there are some pretty easy ways to practice your animal communication skills regularly with your horse.

Whether you’re a complete beginner, a professional, or somewhere in the middle, all that’s really required in order to be good at it is PRACTICE.

And, the good news is that there are lots of easy ways to practice your animal communication skills that you can incorporate in to your day – and may even already be doing. After all, not all animal communication is of the woo woo kind!

Easy ways to practice Animal Communication

These first 6 things are ones anyone can do, and you can do them daily / every time you’re with your horse.

1 – Observe his body language

If you get skilled at noticing your horse’s body language, you’re actually listening to him communicate with you. Notice what his ears are doing, where he’s looking, how high or low his head is. How much tension is there in his body, or his face? Get curious about what his body is telling you.

2 – Notice his behaviour

Notice any behaviour changes. Was he harder to catch today? Why? What does that tell you? Remember that changes of behaviour aren’t just your horse being annoying – it’s one of the ways he is trying to communicate with you.

What’s your horse trying to tell you?

3 – Listen to his opinions

If your horse wants – or doesn’t want – to do something, listen to him. Acknowledge what he’s trying to tell you, and think about why he’s telling you that. Is he just dominating you? I don’t think so – again, it’s him trying to communicate with you, so if you can give him what he’s asking for, do. Shouldn’t he be allowed to have opinions?! If you can’t give him what he wants today – maybe he’s asking to stay in the paddock when you have the farrier coming – just verbally explain things to him.

The bonus is that the more you listen to, acknowledge, and act on your horse’s opinions, the more he will share them with you.

4 – Ask his permission

A great way to practice your Animal Communication skills daily is to start asking your horse permission before you do anything with him. Before you enter his paddock, before you approach him, before you catch him, before you touch him…. Does that sound too much to you? Why? Is it really ok to assume that we should be able to do whatever we want to or with them? (I wrote a whole blog on this, you can read that one here.)

By routinely – either verbally, with your body language, or mentally – asking your horse permission, you’ll start to notice his answers more. You might notice different body language or behaviour, and you might start to hear him respond to you.

5 – Be in the moment

When you’re with your horse, be with your horse. Be in the moment with him. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, clear your mind, and just ‘be’.

If you’re doing something with him, whether it’s leading or riding, practice clearing or softening your mind and your body and noticing what’s around you. Take pleasure in the moment together, rather than your goal.

This is how horses live, so show him you can meet him there.

Being ‘with’ your horse

6 – Send him pink

Possibly the nicest and most loving thing you can do for your horse is to imagine sending pink, or love, from your heart to his. This is a beautiful way to communicate with him heart to heart, and show him what he means to you.

Intermediate / Advanced ways of practicing your Animal Communication skills

These may take a little more practice – and you probably wouldn’t do them every day.

7 – Visualise

Another great way to practice your animal communication skills is to visualise. Top athletes and riders use visualisation to imagine their way to success, to improve their focus and practice their techniques. In terms of animal communication, visualising what you would like your horse to do can give him a very clear message. It also enables you to really connect with his mind. If you practice sending him clear pictures you may find you start receiving them from him, too.

Using visualisation

8 – Meditate with him

Sit somewhere near your horse, where you won’t be disturbed, and meditate! Notice what he does; he may come and hang out closer to you, or he might seem more relaxed than usual afterwards.

9 – Muscle test, or use a pendulum

Another way to practice your animal communication skills is to ask your horse questions using muscle testing / kinesiology, or using a pendulum. This does require a level of skill, and lots of practice is required to get clear consistent answers. However, it can be a great way to find out things like what your horse needs in his feed today, or to ask him any yes/no questions.

(If you’re already using a pendulum to dowse, and would like to learn how to use charts to ask your horse questions, check out my Pendulum Workshop recording, here.)

10 – Oracle cards

This isn’t something I’d do daily, or even weekly (personally). It can though be a different / fun way to ask questions and get information about your horse and his needs. Ask something general, like, ‘What does x need from me today’, or more specific, like, ‘How can I best support x’s health today’.

As you can see there are lots of different ways your horse might be communicating with you, and that you can communicate with him, send him information, or ask him questions.

The more you practice, the deeper your connection and relationship with your horse will grow, and the more likely or often you’ll receive information from him.

I’d love to know how you get on, or if you have different ways of communicating with your horse on a regular basis!

If you’re getting stuck with your Animal Communication – unsure of what you’re getting, or not trusting it – check out my free video Masterclass, Deepen your Connection with your Horse, and if you’re ready to go further, you can buy my self paced online course here.

Keep Connecting with your animals,

Trisha x

About Trisha

Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life.  She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics for 10 years in New Zealand and Australia.  She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.