Hi, I’m Trisha Wren, and I’m a Horse Communicator and Healer – an animal communicator who specialises in horses.
When communicating with these amazing, energetic beings, I receive answers to my specific questions, visuals, colours, emotions, and most importantly, lots of information about their energetic health and balance.
Horses have been my passion, my whole life. I was an ‘equine professional’ (instructor, trainer, and clinician) in Western riding for 10 years, then taught horse and rider bio-mechanics for 10 years, and still have 2 equine ‘paddock ornaments’ and muses. Â
I know first hand the frustrations and worries that horse owners have, and the variety of issues that are specific to horses.
If you’re concerned about your horse, want to know what’s going on with their behaviour, or just want reassurance that they’re happy and healthy, get in touch and I’ll answer all your burning questions in a unique Animal Communication session.
Things you might not know about me…..
Why pick me?
As an animal communicator I’ve learned, over hundreds of sessions, how to ask your horse questions; what all the information I receive means; and, how to translate it for you.
In my experience, energetic imbalance is the biggest cause of unhappiness, grumpiness, bad or unexplained behaviour, and unidentified health issues in horses, and for that reason, I provide energy balancing and healing in all of my sessions.
Watch my presentation on Why the Energetic Health of your Horse Matters.

How I’m different:
- You can ask many questions as you like in your session
- You’ll receive measurable feedback / results, not just ‘chatter’
- My comprehensive report covers all the common issues (health, behaviour, lifestyle) that horses and their owners face.
The results speak for themselves:
Hi Trish, I wanted to let you know that my farrier saw Eve on Thursday and I asked him to check her front feet. He found exactly what you had described. Thank you
Thanks so much Trisha – you have an amazing gift and it makes me so happy to be able to communicate on a different level with the loves of my life.
Wow! Thank you. Once again, you are so spot on. We had a tough day on Sunday (so I’m) not surprised that she wasn’t up to chatting and that you needed to do some work on her. So happy we found you.
I’m also a bit of a statistics geek…
I like measurable results, and that’s what you’ll get in your sessions with me.
Every now and then, I take it further, and conduct ‘experiments’ with my pendulum as a way of finding out stats for those burning questions we all have for our horses.

I was born in Scotland, where I had regular riding lessons as a child, rode friends’ ponies, and worked at a Welsh Cob stud farm.  I bought my first horse in my early 20’s, and switched from English to Western riding – organising shows and clinics, teaching, and competing – then worked in the US as apprentice / assistant to a well-known clinician for 2 years.
The way horses’ bodies worked fascinated me, leading me to learn and teach horse and rider biomechanics as a Connected Riding Instructor.
‘Talking’ to animals, and understanding them better, was always my desire, and learning Reiki opened me up to energetic ways of working.
My connection and work with horses was transformed after my husband and I emigrated from Scotland to New Zealand. In 2013, a friend invited me to her meditation group – and from the very first night, I had a range of experiences that seemed to fast track my abilities.
Every possible experience was thrown at me there, as if checking to see if I could feel, articulate, and cope with all of this energies and insights.  I learned how to protect myself energetically, how to connect with different levels of Spirit, and how to pay attention to my intuition.  Â
As I received more and more information about horses on a spiritual level, such as their reincarnation process, and their life purpose, I developed my own protocol for doing remote Animal Communications with horses.

I’m in awe of what horses have to teach us, and love passing on their messages.
My journey and learning continues!

How I went from Equine Professional to Animal Communicator -
If you’re interested in more detail about what a horse intuitive can do for you, check out my various sessions here:
I admit I was sceptic (well half sceptic – I do have an open mind) but was pleasantly surprised by the report. What was really cool was that she was able to pick up that Peanut had an injury on her right side at the time simply by looking at a photo of her from before. When it comes to animal communication, she knows her stuff.
I asked Trisha for a reading for my old Mare as she was not her usual self and had had some unexplained health issues. I was totally amazed by how accurate Trisha was in bringing up the problems (even down to the correct legs!) as well as other things that I was curious about.
You have an amazing gift Trisha and thank you so much for sharing it with us