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Are you an animal communication skeptic? Think it’s a bunch of hooey? That it’s just someone making stuff up to make money, fleecing you, or praying on the concerns of the owners?

It seems to me that times are changing, and people are generally much more open these days to ‘alternative’ methods – even if they don’t understand them.

Every now and then, though, I’ll get a question or comment from someone who either just can’t get their head around how animal communication works, or is a flat out disbeliever.

To explain a little about my process, I like to work ‘blind’. The majority of my sessions are done remotely, from just a photo – even just a head shot – and name. More often than not, owners wait until after the reading to fill me in on what’s been going on. Watch this quick video for a bit more on why I work this way –

So, I’m not reading body language or confirmation from the horse’s photo, and I haven’t been given ‘clues’ before I start.

Here are some examples of things that came up in sessions that I couldn’t possibly have known.

Example 1

Me, to owner – “She’s not structurally sound right now, skeletally; around the loin / pelvis area. Neither hind leg is sound right now due to the issue higher up.
Owner’s reply – “Thank you so much for this Trisha, you have picked up on everything I didn’t say.. Back in march a bone scan that showed she has arthritis in her right SI joint. I have to admit I was slightly skeptical about it but everything you have said is tilly to the T! I’m so impressed!! Thank you so much I’m so glad I did this!! I also should mention that tilly didn’t pull a grumpy face at me when I went up to her last night and let me scratch her under her cover which she never enjoys.. She was also standing square for the first time in a long time

Another owner reported back, “I was giving her a rub down last night and noticed tightness over her back it’s amazing that you can pick that up!

Example 2

Roxanne was having trouble figuring out what was going on with her mare. After the session she said, “Ummm… Guess what…. You were right again!… When you said to me that (she) has a neurological problem….. Been diagnosed with Cushings…..

Example 3

This was another interesting one. When I did my remote physical scan on this horse I found an internal issue in the sheath / groin area, and when I re-balanced his energy I had to do a little extra at the right fore.
Afterwards the owner told me, “He was a bilateral rig which we discovered last year and had him gelded. He had issues with his right fore afterwards, which was put down to stress and excess toxins after the surgery.

Example 4 – confirmation from farriers, saddle fitters, and body workers.

Hi Trish, I wanted to let you know that my farrier saw (her) on Thursday and I asked him to check her front feet. He found exactly what you had described. Thank you

Another owner told me, “Just told my hoof trimmer that (my horse) had requested via you to rebalance him, about his left toe being too long and his right heel being too high. She said that information totally makes sense as he’d be compensating for various pain stages and spots and that she was going to get to him as soon as she could and correct it for him. So thanks for that Trisha!

Juliet said, “I was just reminded about your communication session with (my horse) due to a saddle fitter commenting on how hard the panels are on his saddle and me telling her how you had also mentioned this! Thank you so much for talking with him. So many things were so right! And now he is having a lovely new saddle made especially for him!

And this one: I said to the owner, “I get the left hind as being the issue. Ligaments fine, skeleton fine, it’s muscular… I got quite a big no when I asked about the vet, and I also get ‘not serious’, and fixable. When I ask what he needs I get ‘time’… ”
The owner replied – “That’s interesting because I had a person who does equinology treat him this morning and that’s pretty much what she said too. So feeling positive!

Example 5 – buying a new horse

Sue said, “Being somewhat of a skeptic about this Animal Communication, I was blown away at accuracy of the information you had given me on three individual horses, I was considering purchasing.
In one particular situation, I had so wished your feedback was different, however, it turned out you were very accurate and I was grateful for heeding your advice. That horse was definitely not right for me.
Thank you so much for the level of detail you provided and furthermore, you were very happy to answer any ongoing questions after the reading.
Trisha – You are truly gifted. I would highly recommend your services to anyone.

So, how does it work?

For me, it’s all about energy. I make an energetic connection with your horse, using you, his photo and his name as reference points. Have a look at this quick video where I explained it to a skeptical friend:

Other common questions I get are:

Can anyone do it? Well, yes, if you want to you can. It may take practice – and, bear in mind that we all receive our information differently – but everyone has the capability. We are all energetic beings, and can learn to tap into the universal energy that connects us all.

Can it do any harm? No – so why not give it a go? What have you got to lose?!

If you’re curious and thinking about booking a session – with any animal communicator – just make sure you get some recommendations, and, listen to your gut. If it, or the person you’re thinking of using, doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

And finally, Tracy said, “I have personally had readings prior to going to vets & boom … after Vets intrusive nerve blocks, ultrasounds & x-rays vets have said exactly what Trisha was “told” by my horse. Therefore Trisha is first port of call now without any stress to my horse. Yes I still think this is freaky but how can I not follow it when 4 outta 4 times Vets have confirmed what Trisha said the issue is! Don’t get me wrong Vets still are an important part of animal care but as a first or second opinion – start with Trisha. Also advised Farrier I had had a reading – nothing more & he also confirmed 100% exactly what Trisha advised Mouse spoke to her about the problem of his foot shape. She certainly has a talent so don’t be afraid to open your mind & try.

Are you still an Animal Communication skeptic? I’d love to hear your experiences and questions, drop me a comment below!

If you’d like to find out what an animal communication session would reveal about your horse, book here.

Keep Connecting with your animals,

Trisha x

About Trisha

Trisha Wren has been an equine professional for most of her adult life.  She rode, competed, and taught Western Riding for 15 years in Scotland, then horse and rider bio-mechanics for 10 years in New Zealand and Australia.  She’s been a full time horse and animal communicator since April 2016. Find out more about Trisha here and sign up for her self paced Animal Communication course here.